Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cutumay Camones

I arrived in El Salvador almost a month ago. I have been busy at language school and just getting settled into the culture here. I have been attending services with a faith commuity in San Ramon, a neighborhood in San Salvador. They are very participatory in their services and they find ways to link their faith with the reality of the Salvadoran people. One of the ways they do this is honoring the the victims of the massacres that occurred during the Civil War here in the 80s. One of these happened in Cutumay Camones. I think about 95 people were killed. I was invited to join the community in travelling out to this rural town just last Sunday. It was very powerful to listen to the various testimonies, although of course I didnt catch it all.

In the picture above, I am sure you can tell I was not the only gringa there. The other young girl, Annie, studied abroad with me in El Salvador when we were in college. After graduating, she returned and has been here for over 2 years. It has been great to reunite with her here. The other two gringos are her parents who were visiting at the time. They were generous to offer me a ride to this site. The woman to the far left is one of the leaders of the faith community in San Ramon. The woman next to her was a part of the ¨pequena comunidad¨ which included Archbishop Oscar Romero and Hermana Silvia (who was killed at this massacre at Cutumay Camones). The other two Salvadorans work with Annie in Nueva Amanecer.

The other picture is the little monument they have erected to honor the victims. It is decorated here by the group I came with. The people here are dedicated to never forgetting what has happened in their past. The victims are still very much present in their hearts and give them the strength and hope needed in the continuous struggle for justice.

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